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        • 2009Year

          Founded in 2009

        • 2.1Billion

          Registered capital: RMB 210 million

        • 818Mu

          Covering an area of 818 Mu

        • 20Billion

          Total investment nearly 2 billion yuan

        • 6home

          6 holding subsidiaries

        About Us

        Zhejiang Judong Co., Ltd.

        Founded in 2009 with a registered capital of 210 million yuan, covering an area of 818 Mu and a total investment of nearly 2 billion yuan, it has 6 holding subsidiaries and is a enterprise specializing in the comprehensive utilization of renewable resources. In 2015, the company was listed on the new third board (Stock Code: 834815). In 2017, Judong company was rated as a model collective of Taizhou City by Taizhou Municipal Party committee and government, as AAA trustworthy enterprise by Zhejiang Provincial Administration for Industry and commerce, and listed as the cultivation object of "aircraft carrier Enterprise" and "2211 project" by municipal Party committee and government. In 2018, the company achieved an operating revenue of 4.08billion yuan, turned over nearly 660 million yuan of national and local taxes (including 550 million yuan collected by the Customs on behalf of others), and successfully controlled Zhejiang Hualong JuShui Technology Co., Ltd.

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        development history


        In January, Zhejiang Judong Group Co., Ltd. was officially established with a registered capital of 200 million yuan and fixed assets of 600 million yuan.

        In the same month, it obtained 618 mu of Taizhou metal resources in plot 1 of prod

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